A Little About Me!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This & That!

First I will start with an update on mom!
   She finally got to come home on Friday evening! She has been doing better (slowly) since she has been home..as we all know, just being home is a healer in itself! She goes back to the doctor this Friday to have stiches taken out, if it is healing correctly. Pray that all will be good and that her kidney will be functioning. Thanks for all the prayers that you have prayed for my mom. It has been prayer that has gotten her thus far!
   Through all of the stress with moms procedure, we have had a bit of change and excitement in the past week! We have been looking for a vehicle for some time now.. We loved the car God had blessed us with, but we were starting to have put some big bucks into it. So on Monday the 18th, we purchased a Chevrolet Traverse (SUV)! It was sad having to depart from the Buick, but exciting at the same time, just knowing that we was in the will of God means everything!
It was what I had prayed for....a 8 passenger ride! Something that would be great for family travel and lots of storage space!

We love it!! It is truly a blessing!!
To really get a good test drive...we took a trip to Pigeon Forge Friday evening and came back Sunday. This was a great stress relief for me with what all had been going on around here!
We had family fun, and ate!! Our meals consist of Mama's Farmhouse/Five Guys/TGI Friday's/IHOP/ and snacks from shop to shop! What better thing to do, than eat!
We took the kids on a few go-cart rides.
This was Benjamin's very first ride..and with mom, but you would have thought he had done this for years. He had such a pitiful cry when it came time to leave the cars. 
Daddy went faster than mommy, so LaDessa decided to go with dad! She is almost at the height to go by herself! I would say the next time we go, she will be able to drive! (what a scary thought)
We also let the kids ride on the little kiddie rides in kiddie zone...and of course they loved that!
Since this is not a good time of the year to take the kids to the zoo, we stopped by the Three Bears General Store and had a visit with the bears out back, and also got to feed them.
Benjamin wanted to go in a play with them. LOL! What a feast they would have had!
 We walk the strip in Gatlinburg, shopped until we dropped and just had a good time with the kids!
The kids were exhausted, and we all had enough of the cold wind... 
But, It was a refreshing weekend!
And for those of you that are wondering how the Traverse Test Drive went.. all was well!! 


  1. Yay! So glad how the Lord has broughr your mom through this sickness. Congrats on the new vehicle as well! Glad u got to get away for some family time as well. Sometimes it is just needful.

  2. I am so thankful that your sweet momma got to come home and that the Lord is still blessing!! I love your vehicle and Pigeon Forge is one of my favorite places to go. Great post!

  3. Oh and I love your new blog colors :-)

  4. So happy about your mommy!! I love your new ride so pretty.
