A Little About Me!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vacation 2012 "Part 3"

From Charleston we head to Myrtle Beach. After checking in to the Harbor Lights Resort  we went out to eat at the German Restaurant. Jay and his family once lived in Germany, so eating there suited Jay just fine. He loved it!
  Sunday was of course Mother's Day. Jay and the kids woke me up with Happy Mother's Day wished and cards. Later that day they treated me to the Empire Fire Mongolian Grill (my favorite place to eat at Myrtle Beach). I was soo happy! And to top Mother's Day off, Jay took me to Medieval Times!
  Monday, we went to the Alligator Adventure. It was truly amazing to see over a thousand alligators, crocodiles, snakes, turtles, tortoise and much more.
The biggest crocodile I want to see. To close for comfort for me!
The tortoise thought LaDessa was sweet, every time we would go visit him, he would come over for LaDessa to pet him. She said he was to big. 
The only reason she pet this guy was because his jaws were taped.

 On Monday evening my parents and grandma came down to spend the last 5 days with us. I was sooo glad to see them..I'll be honest with ya, I knew the kids would leave mommy and daddy for gram-ma and pop-pa..did I say that? Hey, we all need a break every once in a while! We had such a good time with my family! One bad thing about the trip...It rained every day, it was terrible. That's the most I have ever used my umbrella. We only got to go to the beach one time while we were there, and that one time we did get to go, it started thundering and lightning. Running in the sand doesn't feel to good when you have scared kids hanging on to ya. We had a blast what little time we did have at the beach.  Mom took all the pictures that day, so I will try to post beach pictures soon, If I can get them from her that is. 
  The rest of the week, we shopped at the Tanger Outlets, Malls, walked the Board Walk and Barefoot Landing several times, rested and ate!! And ate some more!!
There at the board walk they have a kiddie zone. We spent some quality time with  all the rides! I didn't think we would ever get to leave. And when we did, we had to drag Benjamin away screaming and crying! 
The thing that I wanted to do most, was REST! I do so did!! I enjoyed my time out on the Balcony! Listening to the water! That was so relaxing!
And at last on Saturday Morning it was time to come home, back to the norm! We had a great time while we were gone, especially spending time with family! Can't wait until next year!!
                                           This concludes Part 3 of 3!!  

Vacation 2012 "Part 2"

After leaving the aquarium we traveled to Augusta, GA and spent the night. It is now Saturday morning..we drive to Charleston South Carolina to tour the USS Yorktown/USS Laffey at Patriots Point and take a boat out to Fort Sumter. Jay is big on historical sights, so mom-ma and the kids just tagged along behind.
In a bed in Sick Bay Area. 

 Benjamin loved all the Touch and Feel things. He would pitch a fit when we would go to look at something else. He proved to us that day, he is all boy! Loves the big guns! There was soo much to look at..it really was awesome!
After 3 hours of going up and down steps, our poor legs had all they could take. Thankfully the boat we were to take, was there at Patriots Point so we decided to set down for some lunch while we waited on the boat to dock for us to get on. 
This was my very first boat ride!! It took us 45 minutes to get out to Fort Sumter. It felt like it took 2 hours or more. Jay and LaDessa was up moving around, while mommy and Benjamin sat real still (LaDessa is like her daddy, not afraid of anything). The wind was blowing making for a worse ride. I think Jay had more fun watching me than anything.
When we arrived I felt safe..I will admit, I couldn't enjoy the Fort to the fullest for thinking about that 45 minute trip back to land on water (must I say, I can not swim, so therefor I am afraid of water)! 
We were able to spend an hour touring the Fort. Jay really enjoyed it! It was worth all the boat excitement seeing him enjoy it. 

That concludes Part 2 of Our Vacation! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Vacation 2012 "Part 1"

It is so hard waiting until the day to pack up and head out for a vacation. Everyday LaDessa would ask, "mommy, how many days is it now?" so I decided to make a chain out of paper like we always done growing up (normally 12 days til Christmas)..so, every day LaDessa tore off a link and that took care of the daily math problem for mom-ma. As they say, when your having fun, the time seems to fly by, although, I will have to say, after 9 days there is no place like home!
   We left on Thursday May 10th at about 4am. Jay and I both thought by leaving that early the kids would be a sleep and we would have a nice quiet trip to our first stop in Atlanta. We were wrong! They were both wide awake and ready to go. We had gotten no father than 5 mile down the road and she ask her first question.."ARE WE THERE YET". Benjamin is jabbing, and keeping us all laughing. LaDessa wants mommy to read a book (in the dark-mind you it was still night/morning),she wants to call gram-ma and pop-pa and let them know she is finally on cation (that's the way she says vacation)...And I could keep going!
    We finally get to the zoo at around 11am. We had a great time..Benjamin couldn't get over the big elephants. His eyes got so big when they came out from eating. LaDessa's favorite animal was the giraffe and zebra, she loved the stripes. And of course Jay's favorite place to be was with his own...the Gorilla! ha! Last but not least, I loved it all. Note-when I loaded these pictures to my blog, they posted a little blurry.

That Thursday evening Jay was such a kind and sweet husband, he took me to the J.C Penney outlet on the other side of Atlanta and waited so patiently on me while I shopped, and yes, I found some good deals!!
   After a night of (not so good) sleep (sleeping in a full size bed with Benjamin kicking my face and ribs and rolling off the bed) we headed down-town Atlanta to the World Of Coca-Cola!
LaDessa loved Mr. Cola, and Benjamin did from a far, but not up close and personal. Mr. Cola stood up beside Jay and that was one time in his life, he felt skinny!!
We tasted just about all the worlds coca-cola to taste, with LaDessa right behind us tasting every one of them just as her we did (she actually made herself sick). I will have to say, Africa has the worst tasting cola of all, nothing could come up with it. 
After about 2 hours of touring the World of Coca-Cola we made our way across the lawn to the Aquarium. 
Jay had set up everything weeks prior to our arrival for the Dolphin Show. Its was amazing! We had great seating, and was able to see the dolphins do tricks in plain view! We all loved it! We wasn't able to take very many pictures inside..It was a bit to dark for them to turn out.

This concludes Part 1 of our vacation. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May's #1 Stroll!

Yay!! I am doing great this month...the first day of May, and  we are strolling once again!! Hopefully this month will stay on track.  
   Well, my mouth has been watering for a snack I normally get closer to Christmas. But, as most of you all know, I have been on this crazy diet for sometime now, and I am ready for something real good....salty....and sweet. Of course you can do this at anytime of the year, and Its an awesome (easy,cute) little finger snack for unexpected company as well!! 
   Ready, Set, Lets GO!!.......
     "Rolo Pretzel Snacks"
   Mini Pretzels
   Rolo Candies, Unwrapped
   M&M's, Of your Favorite
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Place mini pretzels on a large cookie sheet. Top each pretzel with one rolo. Place in oven for 4-5 minutes or until rolo has started to melt. Don't melt them all the way.
3. Remove from oven and lightly press one M&M on top of each rolo.
4. Cool to set. 
    That's what I have been craving for a while now ya'll!!....I am sure you guys know exactly how they are done, but I just had to take you on this stroll with me! Even if my diet doesn't allow me to have "Rolo Pretzel Snacks", I still, have enjoyed thinking about them!!!! Let me know how good they are! please don't go into detail

Better late than ever!! Here is our Easter 2012 snap shot my sweet Mother took of us before we left for church. At least we can look back on what we looked like, Easter of 2012!
Needless to say Benjamin didn't want to cooperate very well for us to get a single shot of him, all he wanted to do was run and play, I guess that's normal for a 18 month old...LaDessa on the other hand, is very photogenic, she will take a picture for anyone, and normally will even give a great pose, if you can get her to quit talking long enough. She's like her daddy! Ha!  
We go on Vacation next week, I hope to post some highlight's when we get back!!
Would love hearing from ya!