A Little About Me!

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #7!

Todays blogger challenge topic is:
   "What is your Dream Job and Why"
My Very Own... Candy Shop!
I don't like to bake, so I wouldn't call it a bakery...It would just be a candy shop! If you are one of my returning readers, you already know that I do lots of candy making for the Holidays.
When I was 7 years old, mom-ma had me in the kitchen making dinner for my family. It may have only been Hot/dogs, Corn, Pork & Beans and Chip w/a Dessert at the age of 7, but I did what I was told! I could either hate the kitchen, or, love the kitchen....Mom made me stay in the kitchen enough to make me love it! Which is now a good thing!
Last year for Valentine's Day I dipped around 176 dozen of strawberries (you do the math), around 100 Caramel Apples, Cup-Cakes, Dipped Pretzel Rods, Peanut Butter Balls, Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fudge, Oreo Truffles, old fashion Potato Candy (also known as, peanut butter roll) and Coconut Bon Bons!
Repeating all of this on Mother's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Why a Candy Shop??....I was MADE To love the Kitchen!


  1. I think I could enjoy YOUR dream job FAR better than I could Amy's!

  2. Sounds fabulous! Your candies taste great and are very pretty! From the sounds of things you already have one right at home!!

  3. I agree with Sarah, you are already in business. Pay no mind to Sis. Carrie. She probably has dry flaky ear wax. Ha ha

  4. Thanks for all the comments! Must I add..Amy, only you would know if Carrie has dry flaky ear wax or not! LOL!

  5. Your candy looks delicious. :) Sounds like it would be a *sweet* job!
