A Little About Me!

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Update!

Many of you have ask, What happen to your blog? Well, I have no other excuse, besides, things have gotten a bit busy around here....It is so hard to find "me time" anymore for some reason. lol!
  Ok....About the baby.. I am 13wks today!!!! ...We went to the doctor on Thursday the 11th, to find everything well, after a scare that is. You know the normal routine: Sign in, get a urine sample, weigh, blood pressure, get in a room and listen to the heartbeat. They couldn't find a heart beat. The nurse calls in the midwife, she doesn't get it. With worried looks on there faces, the midwife says to the nurse, go get the ultrasound room ready. They rush me back and quickly start. It took a minute for them to get it, but we saw what the problem was. This is going to be a hyper little baby (which is the reason I have not posted the ultrasound print out.. very blurry)! Finally, she said, Its good and strong, 160!! What a relief! I think every moms worry is going and getting that news. Jay and the kids were there for the surprise ultrasound... the kids were amazed to get to see it flop around! ha! Oh how thankful I was for good news!!
   The date is already scheduled...Unless something out of the norm comes up, our bundle of joy will be taken on October 18th!!! This will make us 2 birthdays in October!!
    We are beyond excited! The "pickle (for little)" baby is all Benjamin can talk about....LaDessa on the other hand, will only talk about a baby sister...she does not want another mean brother again! And she lets it be known! I am starting to wonder if it would be best to let her stay with mom next month when we go to find out the gender...just in case!! I have a feeling if it is a boy, she is not going to be a happy camper.
      I hope to post again soon!!   


  1. I am so excited for you guys! Keep us posted!

  2. Yay! Boy don't I know that scary feeling!! Glad all is well!
