A Little About Me!

Welcome Everyone!! I am Glad you stopped by to read my blog! I love reading comments!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Update on Mom...

Many of you are already asking..."How did your moms surgery go?"
   Well, I have an answer for you...She had to reschedule again, due to, still being sick with whatever this is going around. Instead of getting better, her sickness has gotten worse in the last two weeks. They told her she could not be sick when she has the operation, so they told her she would have to reschedule it. Its too much of a risky chance to take.
   Now, we wait for February 13th to come, that is the earliest the doctor could do the operation. I hate the waiting game...Knowing what the health issue and operation is all about....
   Please.. join us in prayer, that our almighty God will either heal/take away the cancer, or if he chooses not to do so, just hold it were its at and not let it spread anywhere else. We know he is able!
   A big thanks to all of you that have left comments/prayed/praying/the text and calls...They are greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Me and the kids mentioned her at bedtime prayers last night and I had to stop and think what the date was. I am so glad you are keeping us updated. Thanks.
