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Friday, February 8, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #8!

Todays Blogger Challenge Topic is:
    "What are 5 Passions you have"
Well, I am not sure why this topic was so hard (don't think bad of me), but this post not only come from lips, it comes from the heart!
#1. Christ
#2. Godly Elders.. I hold them dear to my heart, they are truly my hero's...I strive to follow in there footsteps!
#3. Gooood Food...Oh My! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have food! I get excited when I think about it!!! Basically any kind! I pray that I never get sick and am not allowed to have it. I think I would pray to die.
#4. The Handicapped, they are so special, my heart goes out to them! I want to hug everyone I come in contact with! 
#5. A Clean House-There is nothing like being in love with a spotless house! Love, Love, Love it!

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