Here we are.. Day #2 of the February Blogger Challenge!
Topic: "Describe 3 Legitimate Fears You Have and Explain How They Became Fears"
Fear #1: Storms.
When I was about 8 years old, my brother and I was staying with my grandparents.. Mamaw had to go to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine. With my brother being five years older than me, and old enough to take care of a 8 year old..mamaw left us in the truck, for just a few minutes to go inside, not knowing a tornado was in our path. Before mamaw could get outside things was flying in the air.. he had house damages, was without power.. and more... Although God had his hand of protection on us that day, I can never get those memories of what I saw, (as a child outside in the truck with just my and I) out of my mind. I still have not been able to concur my fear of storms.
Fear #2: Letting my hair hang down when I'm in Town.
When I was born, I was born balled, with no eye lashes or eye brows. Even at 2 years old, I only had what they call.. peach fuzz. Mom started anointing my head with oil every night before I went to sleep, because moms dream was, to have a little girl with long hair, and she started worrying that I would never have hair. It didn't take it long to start growing and now it is about 2 inches from the floor.. I have had terrible dreams when it was down, someone came up behind me and cut it off. (I hope that never comes true) I have had strangers to come up and stroke it, and because it is so long, sometimes I don't really feel it if they aren't pulling on it. I always fear they will cut it off without me hair has made it 26 years without a scissor in it, and that's how I want it to stay!
Fear #3: Trips By Air.
Jay's parents live in Washington State. On my very first plane ride (5 months pregnant) out to visit them, all was going good until, a man on the plane had a heart attack. They laid him out in the isle, and shocked his heart twice to revive him. When that didn't work the pilot made a emergency landing at (Salt Lake City, UT) a airport that doesn't normally land the size plane that we was on, so we was flying slower and lower than for a normal landing, because he had a shorter runway to land on, meaning, he had to be sure to hit the end of it... it felt as if we were inches above the trees and all that was below us.. we was so low, while flying over salt lake, I could see the shadow of the plane on the water. The pilot stopped the plane on the runway and a little cart thingy had to come and guide us on in. No planes were allowed to land or take off until we was back in the air. I felt very sorry for the man and his family, but why did this all have to happen on my first plane ride (5 months pregnant)?.. for you that are wondering...although that is one of my fears, I have flown back out to Washington twice since that happen.
When I was a young girl learning to ride a bike, my daddy told me not to fear.. the more you make yourself ride it, the less you will fear it. I have found that to be true over the years with some fears!
This concludes Day #2!
Wow, your fears are legite. I can also see how the hand of God has protected you.