A Little About Me!

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Blogger Challenge Day #11!

I knew it would happen...I have already missed two days of challenge posting already.. You guys were warned before I started this, so I'm in the clear!
 The topic for today is:
       "10 Pet Peeves I Have"
#1. Those that don't choose others before themselves...like, letting the door slam in your face, instead of them holding it open for you!
#2. Drivers, taking there time while pulling out in front of me.
#3. My dining tablecloth being messed up.
#4. Benjamin's or LaDessa's Hair being a mess.
#5. Non-creased Shirt Sleeves.
#6. Toys all over the house.
#7. Dirty Fingernails.
#8. People driving slow in the fast lane on the free-way.
#9. Some thinking Big Rig Truck Drivers are useless....(If you did not know already, my husband is a Truck Driver, and not a useless one)
#10. Mail laying everywhere in the house!
       Keep in tune for my next topic!!

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