The Topic for Today is:
"Describe a Typical Day in My Current Life"
I think it would have been easier if I knew which day to post about. With a bit of thinking, I will choose, Wednesday!!
My alarm normally starts off my day, beginning around 6:30. I get dressed and wash my dry sleepy eyes. Good place to start, huh? Before I can function, I have to have a bite of something sweet...and then salty! It doesn't have to be more than a bite, but I have to have it. Its like most people that have to have there coffee! LaDessa's school snack comes next. Her backpack is ready, now I go get her up and ready at the very last moment! After she is off to school, I spend some time with the Lord before Benjamin's eyes pop open. When they finally do, I then spend some one on one time with him. My day from here goes from, doing laundry, changing diapers (in which I hope to do away with very soon), cleaning house, Phone time with my hubby and before I know is already time to go get LaDessa! Time seems to fly...I continue the things that I did before I went to pick up LaDessa (adding some play-time with the kids) until supper time. We all know what that consist of! Now, its time to get things ready for church! My start time is around 5pm (since we only live 3 drive-time minutes from the church). This gives me plenty of time to iron the clothes, bath the kids, and get myself ready, without rushing too hard. We go to church and get recharged! Come home, have a snack, iron the clothes for Thursday and pack Jays lunch (since he leaves around 3-4 am the next morning). By this time, I have tied up all the loose ends from the day, said our bedtime prayers and tucked the kids in bed... Now its time for Jay and I to talk!.. telling each other how our day went! It is hard talking when you have little ears near by! Ya'll know what I mean!
Being a mother is a never ending job!...but at the same time, it is a joy and a wonderful blessing! I wouldn't change it for anything!
There you have my norm on Wednesday (if I am not filling candy orders :)!!
Yep, I need a nap now!