A Little About Me!

Welcome Everyone!! I am Glad you stopped by to read my blog! I love reading comments!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This & That!

First I will start with an update on mom!
   She finally got to come home on Friday evening! She has been doing better (slowly) since she has been home..as we all know, just being home is a healer in itself! She goes back to the doctor this Friday to have stiches taken out, if it is healing correctly. Pray that all will be good and that her kidney will be functioning. Thanks for all the prayers that you have prayed for my mom. It has been prayer that has gotten her thus far!
   Through all of the stress with moms procedure, we have had a bit of change and excitement in the past week! We have been looking for a vehicle for some time now.. We loved the car God had blessed us with, but we were starting to have put some big bucks into it. So on Monday the 18th, we purchased a Chevrolet Traverse (SUV)! It was sad having to depart from the Buick, but exciting at the same time, just knowing that we was in the will of God means everything!
It was what I had prayed for....a 8 passenger ride! Something that would be great for family travel and lots of storage space!

We love it!! It is truly a blessing!!
To really get a good test drive...we took a trip to Pigeon Forge Friday evening and came back Sunday. This was a great stress relief for me with what all had been going on around here!
We had family fun, and ate!! Our meals consist of Mama's Farmhouse/Five Guys/TGI Friday's/IHOP/ and snacks from shop to shop! What better thing to do, than eat!
We took the kids on a few go-cart rides.
This was Benjamin's very first ride..and with mom, but you would have thought he had done this for years. He had such a pitiful cry when it came time to leave the cars. 
Daddy went faster than mommy, so LaDessa decided to go with dad! She is almost at the height to go by herself! I would say the next time we go, she will be able to drive! (what a scary thought)
We also let the kids ride on the little kiddie rides in kiddie zone...and of course they loved that!
Since this is not a good time of the year to take the kids to the zoo, we stopped by the Three Bears General Store and had a visit with the bears out back, and also got to feed them.
Benjamin wanted to go in a play with them. LOL! What a feast they would have had!
 We walk the strip in Gatlinburg, shopped until we dropped and just had a good time with the kids!
The kids were exhausted, and we all had enough of the cold wind... 
But, It was a refreshing weekend!
And for those of you that are wondering how the Traverse Test Drive went.. all was well!! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mom-ma Update!

I just had to give you a update!
   Though mom still has a long way to come from all the backsets (still in the hospital), she got a bit of good news today.....Mom was in lots of pain when the doctor walked in this morning. He said he came bringing good news!....After removing everything, he sent it all off. All the test results came back today, and they were all negative!!! The cancer was in the same place they found it in October!! Mom will not have to have any treatments...She is Cancer Free!!! (Thank You Jesus!) God is so good! Even though mom is still having problems recovering, God is still good!
  Please, I beg of you.. continue to pray for her recovery. Only God knows what she has went through. We are still looking for god to heal her kidney, and let it start functioning! He is more than able! He has already proved that to me in the past week!
   I will end with saying, She even ate a few bites of solid food today for the first time!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I know you guys have been anxiously waiting for a update on my mom...With all the stress and being with her at the hospital, I have been unable to do any blogging.
  First off, we went in Friday Morning. They told us it would be a 4 hour surgery and they would keep us posted on everything. It had been about 4 hours and the doctor called and told me that he had encountered something he wasn't expecting and warned me that it would take several more hours. He said he would explain when he got a break to come talk to us. This waiting period felt like a life time, not knowing what he had encountered. He finally comes out to tell us the problem.
   A normal person has 1 "ureter" tube that comes out of the kidney into the bladder. For some unknown reason mom was born with two instead of just one, and they were blocked (still unknown as to why), making one of her kidney not even functioning, and caused them to have to use stents. To make a long story short, they done some major repair, which ended up being an 8 hour surgery.
   This is the most awesome thing of all....Mom has had a mass of infection the size of a lemon for 2 years...She had been so worried that it would be cancer. One of the first things I ask the doctor when he came down was, "what about the mass, how did it look, did you take it out?" His reply was "It's gone, If there was a mass there, its wasn't there today, because I didn't see anything to look like a mass."  This was such encouraging words to hear, and I couldn't wait to get back in the recovery room to tell mom! Only God knows how to help us in time of need! I know he healed my mom from that mass, I saw the test results! It was God!
    She is doing very good considering what she has been through. She expects to get out of the hospital Wednesday or Thursday! Please continue to pray for positive test results. They will let us know in the coming days if the cancer spread anywhere else than where they found it.
     What a stressful, but blessed week!! Sometime I tend to take good health for granted!
 Seeing my mom in this situation has been more than I can hardly take. I have had to remind myself this weekend, Our God is right there for us, all we have to do is reach up, and he will hold us while we cry! He has shown me just how awesome he really is this weekend! God is soo good!  
      Thanks for all the prayers that are going up for my mom! It has been and will be prayer that brings my mom through!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Prayers!!! Please!!

As most of you know, my mom has been scheduled for surgery three times.. and from being sick, she was unable to go through with the operation....
   Tomorrow, Feb 15th she goes in at 5:45am to have it done...please pray for God's protection upon my mom-ma! We will all be glad when it is over, and a speedy recovery begins!
  Also, LaDessa's allergies have started bugging her again, please say a prayer for LaDessa as well..I don't think I can handle much more added stress..
  Thank You All for your Prayers and Concern! It is greatly appreciated! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blogger Challenge Day #12!

The Topic for Today is:
    "Describe a Typical Day in My Current Life"
I think it would have been easier if I knew which day to post about. With a bit of thinking, I will choose, Wednesday!!
   My alarm normally starts off my day, beginning around 6:30. I get dressed and wash my dry sleepy eyes. Good place to start, huh? Before I can function, I have to have a bite of something sweet...and then salty! It doesn't have to be more than a bite, but I have to have it. Its like most people that have to have there coffee! LaDessa's school snack comes next. Her backpack is ready, now I go get her up and ready at the very last moment! After she is off to school, I spend some time with the Lord before Benjamin's eyes pop open. When they finally do, I then spend some one on one time with him. My day from here goes from, doing laundry, changing diapers (in which I hope to do away with very soon), cleaning house, Phone time with my hubby and before I know it..it is already time to go get LaDessa! Time seems to fly...I continue the things that I did before I went to pick up LaDessa (adding some play-time with the kids) until supper time. We all know what that consist of! Now, its time to get things ready for church! My start time is around 5pm (since we only live 3 drive-time minutes from the church). This gives me plenty of time to iron the clothes, bath the kids, and get myself ready, without rushing too hard. We go to church and get recharged! Come home, have a snack, iron the clothes for Thursday and pack Jays lunch (since he leaves around 3-4 am the next morning). By this time, I have tied up all the loose ends from the day, said our bedtime prayers and tucked the kids in bed... Now its time for Jay and I to talk!.. telling each other how our day went! It is hard talking when you have little ears near by! Ya'll know what I mean!
   Being a mother is a never ending job!...but at the same time, it is a joy and a wonderful blessing! I wouldn't change it for anything!
      There you have my norm on Wednesday (if I am not filling candy orders :)!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Blogger Challenge Day #11!

I knew it would happen...I have already missed two days of challenge posting already.. You guys were warned before I started this, so I'm in the clear!
 The topic for today is:
       "10 Pet Peeves I Have"
#1. Those that don't choose others before themselves...like, letting the door slam in your face, instead of them holding it open for you!
#2. Drivers, taking there time while pulling out in front of me.
#3. My dining tablecloth being messed up.
#4. Benjamin's or LaDessa's Hair being a mess.
#5. Non-creased Shirt Sleeves.
#6. Toys all over the house.
#7. Dirty Fingernails.
#8. People driving slow in the fast lane on the free-way.
#9. Some thinking Big Rig Truck Drivers are useless....(If you did not know already, my husband is a Truck Driver, and not a useless one)
#10. Mail laying everywhere in the house!
       Keep in tune for my next topic!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #8!

Todays Blogger Challenge Topic is:
    "What are 5 Passions you have"
Well, I am not sure why this topic was so hard (don't think bad of me), but this post not only come from lips, it comes from the heart!
#1. Christ
#2. Godly Elders.. I hold them dear to my heart, they are truly my hero's...I strive to follow in there footsteps!
#3. Gooood Food...Oh My! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have food! I get excited when I think about it!!! Basically any kind! I pray that I never get sick and am not allowed to have it. I think I would pray to die.
#4. The Handicapped, they are so special, my heart goes out to them! I want to hug everyone I come in contact with! 
#5. A Clean House-There is nothing like being in love with a spotless house! Love, Love, Love it!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #7!

Todays blogger challenge topic is:
   "What is your Dream Job and Why"
My Very Own... Candy Shop!
I don't like to bake, so I wouldn't call it a bakery...It would just be a candy shop! If you are one of my returning readers, you already know that I do lots of candy making for the Holidays.
When I was 7 years old, mom-ma had me in the kitchen making dinner for my family. It may have only been Hot/dogs, Corn, Pork & Beans and Chip w/a Dessert at the age of 7, but I did what I was told! I could either hate the kitchen, or, love the kitchen....Mom made me stay in the kitchen enough to make me love it! Which is now a good thing!
Last year for Valentine's Day I dipped around 176 dozen of strawberries (you do the math), around 100 Caramel Apples, Cup-Cakes, Dipped Pretzel Rods, Peanut Butter Balls, Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fudge, Oreo Truffles, old fashion Potato Candy (also known as, peanut butter roll) and Coconut Bon Bons!
Repeating all of this on Mother's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Why a Candy Shop??....I was MADE To love the Kitchen!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #6!

Todays Challenge Topic is:
    "What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced"
This post could not have came at a better time! In February 2010, I lost part of my life...My loving Papaw (Lee Peters). I can honestly say, I really do think I was his favorite! I happen to be the first granddaughter (his Blossom-that's what he called me)! This was the first death that I can remember in my family. We have been so blessed! Papaw suffered with dementia very bad for about 4 months. We stayed up (taking turns) 24/7. In the last month of his life he became bed-fast. I was there with him, just about the whole month. I could not leave him! I helped turn him over (240 pound man) in bed, doing it myself at times when others was napping. Doing all this, not knowing that I was two months pregnant (after trying for two and a half years)! We buried him and the next day I became very sick, and found out that I was expecting! What joy this news brought to my family in such a much need way! I can truly say...Papaw's death was the hardest thing I have ever experienced.
  Note- I hope to be able to continue the rest of the February challenge...if I miss a few days, please don't hold it against me! (HA)....Thing are about to get very busy around here....Valentine's Day orders are coming in swift!
   Stay Tuned!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #5!

Day #5 Topic Is:
  "What are 5 things that make me most happy right now"
#1. My Salvation!
#2. Being in the Lord's presents and filling his blessings!.. There is nothing like it!
#3. My Wonderful/Loving/Amazing/Godly Husband!
#4. My Children, that God has so greatly blessed us with!
#5. Play time with the kids! It may be church, building blocks, coloring, hide and seek.. you never know...but it does get interesting sometimes!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blogger Challenge-Day #4!

Wow! Its already day #4!
   Todays Challenge Topic is:
"List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self.. If you could"
 #1. Stop trying to get the boys attention! Just play hard to get and they will come around!
 #2. Go on and get more schooling after finishing high school! You will need more than just house cleaning side jobs!
 #3. Pray and read the bible more, because when you get married and have children, you don't have as much time to on your hands!
 #4. Learn all you can learn in the kitchen with momma, you will never forget those tips of hers!
 #5. Learn to sew now.. because in a few years you will be out of those clothes your wearing and will need bigger ones.. and let me tell ya, it will get harder to find descent clothes that not only fit you but fits your budget as well!
 #6. Don't stop until your hope chest is filled and running over!
 #7. Save all the money that you get, you will need it!
 #8. Whatever you do, don't have a wedding party of 54, make it pretty, but don't go all out! Stay Simply Simple!
 #9. Just because all your friends are giggling over nothing doesn't mean you have to!
 #10. Please, stop saying mom and dad are old fogies and don't know anything. They have been down that road and they know way more than you do!
  If only this could actually happen....but I'm sure, if I didn't listen to others advice.. I more than likely wouldn't have listened to my own either. You know what I mean? You live and learn (the hard way sometimes)!
  Note- I would love to hear from all that read my posts!!! I love comments!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3rd/Day #3!

February Blogger Challenge Topic for today is..
    " Describe Your Relationship with your parents"
Lets start by saying, I am 30 steps away from my parents and as long as we separate ourselves with an electric fence I have a great relationship with my parents.....I hope all this is marked out!
"I am kidding, Honestly!!".... I know my momma will be reading this post, and I had to put those lines on here! LOL! I will do this in three parts!
  #1. As Parents: If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "Special"!  I honestly feel that I have the best relationship with my parents ever! My mom and dad are my best friends! They raised me in Holiness, and led me by example through the years! Dad and mom both worked on a public job until, mom being the first to quit (disabled) then dad (disabled). Dad didn't waste his time sitting around by no means...we went were ever the Lord would lead them to go (matter of fact, that's how I met Jay, which that story will come in our anniversary month, June)! We lived in OH in the basement of a church for five years while dad helped out in that church. After the Lord released us from that church, dad became assistant pastor at my grandpas church here is KY. At the same time for four years we traveled to Franklin OH every Thursday night for church, (then drive 4 hrs back the same night) dad went to help run the church. Mom, having three kids (five years apart, me being the middle)home schooled us, on the road most of the time. I remember having a birthday party at a rest area on the way to church one year! Believe it or not! I have so many memories!
  #2. Dad: I must admit, I have always been a daddy's girl, and always will be! On my wedding day before he gave me away, my brother (with some lines being tweaked) sang Butterfly Kisses (dads request)..On the very last chorus, the line "sticking little white flowers all up in her hair", dad had little white flowers hid in his pocket, flipped up my vale and stuck them in my hair, then kissed me on the cheek, all to my surprise! Enough tears!! When I have an insect in the house and Jay is not around, I call my daddy and he comes to my rescue! I could go on, but mom is waiting on her part. Ha!
  #3. Momma: We stick close together! Even now, always working beside each other! When I get sick, I want to be in the presents of my mom! When my kids was born, she basically moved in for a week. She was the best nurse anyone could ask for, and the best of the best nanny's! She has been such an inspiration to me in the last 26 years! Mom doesn't like to be given flowers, she wants things that doesn't die.. so on Mother's Day 2011, instead of a vase of flowers, I gave her a vase full of "What You Mean To Me" note-cards. Each note-card had a different message of what she means to me on them! Even through all moms sickness recently, she hasn't lost her touch, the warmth of her hands still feel the same! I am so glad God blessed me with such an awesome mother!
   There is so much more I can say! I thank God for such loving/Godly parents!
                       You can't have better when you have the best!
    I must sum this post up by saying, I have such a wonderful relationship with my parents, I am only 30 steps away from them and we get along without any trouble!!! LOL!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blogger Challenge Day #2

Here we are.. Day #2 of the February Blogger Challenge!
   Topic: "Describe 3 Legitimate Fears You Have and Explain How They Became Fears"
Fear #1: Storms.
    When I was about 8 years old, my brother and I was staying with my grandparents.. Mamaw had to go to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine. With my brother being five years older than me, and old enough to take care of a 8 year old..mamaw left us in the truck, for just a few minutes to go inside, not knowing a tornado was in our path. Before mamaw could get outside things was flying in the air.. he had house damages, was without power.. and more... Although God had his hand of protection on us that day, I can never get those memories of what I saw, (as a child outside in the truck with just my and I) out of my mind. I still have not been able to concur my fear of storms.
Fear #2: Letting my hair hang down when I'm in Town.
    When I was born, I was born balled, with no eye lashes or eye brows. Even at 2 years old, I only had what they call.. peach fuzz. Mom started anointing my head with oil every night before I went to sleep, because moms dream was, to have a little girl with long hair, and she started worrying that I would never have hair. It didn't take it long to start growing and now it is about 2 inches from the floor.. I have had terrible dreams when it was down, someone came up behind me and cut it off. (I hope that never comes true) I have had strangers to come up and stroke it, and because it is so long, sometimes I don't really feel it if they aren't pulling on it. I always fear they will cut it off without me knowing...my hair has made it 26 years without a scissor in it, and that's how I want it to stay! 
Fear #3: Trips By Air.
    Jay's parents live in Washington State. On my very first plane ride (5 months pregnant) out to visit them, all was going good until, a man on the plane had a heart attack. They laid him out in the isle, and shocked his heart twice to revive him. When that didn't work the pilot made a emergency landing at (Salt Lake City, UT) a airport that doesn't normally land the size plane that we was on, so we was flying slower and lower than for a normal landing, because he had a shorter runway to land on, meaning, he had to be sure to hit the end of it... it felt as if we were inches above the trees and all that was below us.. we was so low, while flying over salt lake, I could see the shadow of the plane on the water. The pilot stopped the plane on the runway and a little cart thingy had to come and guide us on in.  No planes were allowed to land or take off until we was back in the air. I felt very sorry for the man and his family, but why did this all have to happen on my first plane ride (5 months pregnant)?.. for you that are wondering...although that is one of my fears, I have flown back out to Washington twice since that happen.
   When I was a young girl learning to ride a bike, my daddy told me not to fear.. the more you make yourself ride it, the less you will fear it. I have found that to be true over the years with some fears!
   This concludes Day #2!

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Blogger Challenge!

A blogging friend  Amy P itsbeginningtolookalotlikechaos.blogspot.com gave out a February Challenge (a different topic each day) to all her bloggers...Yes, that means I am to post every day this month! I am not so sure that I can do all the topics for the month of February, but day #1 looked pretty easy, so I thought I would give it a try!
         Day #1: "20 Random Facts About Me"
1: Just turned 26.  2: I married a man 10 years older than I.  3: My dining tablecloth has to be straight at all times.   4: I mop on my hands and knees.   5: We will be married 8yrs in June.   6: I enjoy playing the piano.   7: I wear a size 8 in shoe.   8: I had a wedding party of 54.   9: I rented 24 tuxedos.   10: I'm a vacation gal.   11: I'm a Thirty-One Independent Consultant.   12: I have 2 loving/spoiled children.   13: I enjoy making hair accessories.   14: I love trying new recipes.   15: I am in bed by 9:30pm.   16: I love texting and talking one the phone.   17: I don't like a pet in the house.   18: I am Sunday School teacher (age 5-7)(and greatly enjoy my little munchkins).   19. I attend the Bond Holiness Church.   20: I love dipping candy, strawberries, pretzels and apples.
    There you have it!! Did you not know any of those facts about me??
Side note- Thanks Amy, I actually had to use my brain tonight.. I had a hard time stopping at 20!