A Little About Me!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Craft and Baking Night!

LaDessa and I love being best friends and doing things together, so every now and then... its not "mommy and daughter", but its "Best Friends". And that's just what we did this week!!
   First off, we made some Sugar Cake Cookies (from scratch)...We are both ready for Valentines to come, so everything was all about Valentine's Day! RED AND WHITE!
But instead of hearts, my "best friend" wanted to do faces! And so I had to do the same thing! 
    Side note- Every year Jay has gotten something special for the kids for Valentine's Day and surprised them...Normally its a toy...Like last year he got both of them "Nerf Guns", so that's why she is all excited about Valentine's Day to come! And of course I am excited about Feb. 14th because....well, you see with my husband, you never know what to expect...I guess I can say, he's a bit romantic, and he likes keeping me guessing! In which I love-shhh! HA!
   Now to our craft! I had all kinds of magazines that I was going to throw away...so instead of throwing them away, we came up with a recycling idea....Magazine Pencil Holders!! 
We picked our can, and colors....
We immediately found out that it takes lots and lots of rolled up pages...This one we actually made for LaDessa...but for some reason I don't have the picture of it finished.
So here is our Valentine Magazine Pencil Holder!
This one is actually made from a toilet paper holder!!
We had a blast making these little guys...they are so neat and fun to make!!
Best of all, this will be a memory for LaDessa for days to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Love "Best Friends", how sweet. As far as Jay being romantic, my hubby could stand a few pointers. : )
