We left on Thursday May 10th at about 4am. Jay and I both thought by leaving that early the kids would be a sleep and we would have a nice quiet trip to our first stop in Atlanta. We were wrong! They were both wide awake and ready to go. We had gotten no father than 5 mile down the road and she ask her first question.."ARE WE THERE YET". Benjamin is jabbing, and keeping us all laughing. LaDessa wants mommy to read a book (in the dark-mind you it was still night/morning),she wants to call gram-ma and pop-pa and let them know she is finally on cation (that's the way she says vacation)...And I could keep going!
We finally get to the zoo at around 11am. We had a great time..Benjamin couldn't get over the big elephants. His eyes got so big when they came out from eating. LaDessa's favorite animal was the giraffe and zebra, she loved the stripes. And of course Jay's favorite place to be was with his own...the Gorilla! ha! Last but not least, I loved it all. Note-when I loaded these pictures to my blog, they posted a little blurry.
After a night of (not so good) sleep (sleeping in a full size bed with Benjamin kicking my face and ribs and rolling off the bed) we headed down-town Atlanta to the World Of Coca-Cola!
LaDessa loved Mr. Cola, and Benjamin did from a far, but not up close and personal. Mr. Cola stood up beside Jay and that was one time in his life, he felt skinny!!
We tasted just about all the worlds coca-cola to taste, with LaDessa right behind us tasting every one of them just as her we did (she actually made herself sick). I will have to say, Africa has the worst tasting cola of all, nothing could come up with it.
After about 2 hours of touring the World of Coca-Cola we made our way across the lawn to the Aquarium.
Jay had set up everything weeks prior to our arrival for the Dolphin Show. Its was amazing! We had great seating, and was able to see the dolphins do tricks in plain view! We all loved it! We wasn't able to take very many pictures inside..It was a bit to dark for them to turn out.
This concludes Part 1 of our vacation.
This really makes me want to go! :)